Dynaway EAM

inden Dynaway A/S

(9 bedømmelser)

Streamline Maintenance, Safety and prolong Asset Life with Enterprise Asset Management (EAM)

Seamlessly living and operating asset management system inside Business Central

As a maintenance manager do you want to avoid duplicate inventory and labor entries? Do you want to prevent data reconciliation issues, inaccurate costing, and lack of spare parts? Are you looking to save time by streamlining coordination between departments?

Now, with Dynaway out-of-the-box enterprise asset management software, you can seamlessly connect your Asset and Maintenance processes with adjacent essential processes, such as inventory management, purchase order and requisition, finance management, resource management, and manufacturing, all within one system.

Dynaway EAM is your asset & maintenance management system inside Business Central to provide a truly unified platform experience for simpler maintenance planning & execution, while improving your control of costs.

The default Asset & Maintenance Management solution inside Business Central

For more than 25 years, Dynaway has exclusively focused on developing EAM/CMMS software for Microsoft Dynamics 365 and is adding organized Asset Management, flexible Maintenance Planning, effective Work Scheduling, simplified Work Order Execution, customizable Analytics & Reporting capabilities to your Business Central solution.

Get started for free

  1. Click "Get it now" and follow the instructions in the pop-up window
  2. Open the Assisted Setup guide "Dynaway EAM initial setup"
  3. Follow the instructions to register for a free license or apply a paid license
  4. Follow the instructions to complete the configuration steps for a basic setup of Dynaway EAM
  5. You are now ready to create your first Asset and schedule your first Work Order

Visit Pricing page to read more about subscription options.

Visit Dynaway Help Center to read about how to install and configure Dynaway EAM in details.

Key Benefits

  • Reduce maintenance costs significantly through simplified and intuitive work execution (up to 75%)
  • Improve overview, tracking, and accessibility to assets
  • Maximize productive uptime and/or asset utilization
  • Minimize unscheduled downtime and boost productivity with effective and automated workload scheduling/work allocation/rostering
  • Easier to be compliant with quality, health & safety regulations/guidelines through audit trails
  • Make data-driven decisions based on customizable analytics & reporting packages

Key Features

  • Asset & Maintenance Management seamlessly connected with Business Central:
    • Automatic inventory management and spare parts control
    • Automatic attribution of accurate costing of labor, spare parts, and other expenses to general ledger
    • Quick purchase requisitioning and purchase ordering
    • Easy time sheet registrations
    • Working with external contractors
    • Automatic resource/work allocation
    • Relating costs to projects/jobs
    • Ability to invoice end-customers or re-invoice intercompany
  • Organized asset oversight with access to documents and information in one place
  • Flexible preventive maintenance schedule options: Counter-based; Calendar-based; Measurement-based
  • Simple corrective maintenance workflows
  • Drag and drop on interactive work scheduling boards
  • Intuitive and feature-rich mobile work execution with offline capabilities
  • Deploy and track health and safety measures
  • Out-of-the-box customizable analytics & reporting packages in Power BI and Excel

Learn more:

Features of Dynaway EAM
Introduction to Dynaway EAM

Do you want to be a Dynaway Partner?

Prerequisities for installing Dynaway EAM inside Busieness Central

  • You have installed a sandbox or production environment for Microsoft Dynamics® 365 Business Central
  • You have the appropriate rights/access to install Dynaway EAM in your Business Central environment

Installation note

Users using Dynaway EAM for Business Central requires both a Business Central user license and a Dynaway EAM for Business Central user license.

Supported Editions

Essentials and Premium Editions of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.

Supported Countries

All countries where Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central is available.

Supported Languages

English, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, German, Spanish, French.
