Telos Team Dun and Bradstreet Integration
inden Telos Team ApS
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Integrate Dun & Bradstreet with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central
Integrate Dun & Bradstreet with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central to match, enrich and search global contacts, customers, and vendors.
Integration helps match your current contacts, customers, and vendors and identify their unique Duns No.
This helps you later follow up and update with new information.
DnB Integration
helps you keep your contacts, customers, and vendors updated by importing information from Dun &
DnB Integration gives
you the possibility to search for all possible companies world-wide.
You can search using multiple different functionalities like these:
- Quick Search
- Match Search
- Criteria Search
- Company List Search
search results are shown, you can select the action "Create Contact"
to directly create new contats. It is possible to create only one or select
multiple results before creating contacts.
Supported Editions: The app supports the Essentials and Premium Editions of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.
Supported Countries: All.
Supported Languages: The app is available in Danish and English (United States).
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