Secured Signing for Dynamics 365
inden Secured Signing
Sign your documents and invite others to sign directly from Microsoft Dynamics 365
Secured signing is your one stop service to get to the all important dotted line as soon as possible. Get contracts signed within minutes using MS Dynamics 365 integration. Simply log in to MS Dynamics 365 and send documents for digital signature. Invitees will receive a request to sign, within a few clicks the signing is complete without the need to download an app or signing up to an account. Once signing is complete, the signed document is automatically saved and sent to each party.
Secured Signing uses a secure cryptographic technology for digital signing that makes it safer than a plain electronic signature.
With Secured Signing for Microsoft Dynamics 365, you can:
- Speed up time to agreement by sending signing requests from MS Dynamics 365
- Invitees can sign on the go anytime and on any device
- Merge data from MS Dynamics into your documents before sending for signature and push data back when signing is done.
- Easily track your documents waiting to be signed
- Get rid of manual process and automate the signing workflow with our Smart Docs technology
For more information on how to get started check out our Dynamics 365 User Guide