SmartCharts for Excel (Task Pane)
inden DEVSCOPE-Soluções Sistemas Tecnologias Informação
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Instant analytics & business intelligence for Excel
*Note: Additional purchase may be required. This app version of SmartCharts *is not free* and requires proper license to be fully enabled after trial period. Please visit DevScope AppStore to know more.
This version of SmartCharts runs as a Task Pane in Excel. SmartCharts is also available in Content mode (insertable shape).
Instant analytics & business intelligence for Excel
Quickly discover trends, patterns & data insights with this easy to use analytic app.
Just point to any Excel table to see what stories your data can tell you.
Highlighted features:
- Watch your data over time using Play mode *new*
- Random Chart
- Stacked Area Chart
- Bubble Charts with trends
- Pie Charts
- Tree Map Charts
- Trend Charts (all or by category)
- Multi charts (all measures)
- Weekday charts
- Time/hour of day charts
- Automatic date/time handling
- Automatic chart suggestions
- Filterable through Excel filters
SmartCharts is a Data Discovery tool for Excel, & part of DevScope DataInsights platform
For more information, visit us at:
Når denne app bruges,
- Kan læse og foretage ændringer i dit dokument
- Kan sende data via internettet
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