
inden ci solution GmbH

Professional email signatures for Outlook on all devices (including Macs & mobiles).

CI-Signature offers professional, centrally managed email signatures for Outlook on all devices, including Macs and mobiles.

When composing emails and calendar invites the add-in automatically inserts the signature into the new email. Additionally, it offers a preview for server-side attached signatures and disclaimers. Depending on the chosen options, the respective features are available to the users.


  • Efficiently and permanently eliminate disorganization in employees' email signatures
  • Professional, uniform, and CI-compliant email signatures throughout the company
  • Time and cost savings through central management and control
  • Plan and automate actions (e.g., trade fair dates, product promotions) weeks in advance
  • First-class support: accessible, competent, helpful, and quick.
  • You will need our CI-Cloud services for this: CI-Sign and/or CI-Disclaimer

    Prices and overview:


    Når denne app bruges,
    • Kan sende data via internettet
    • Denne app kan få adgang til og ændre personlige oplysninger i den aktive meddelelse, f.eks. meddelelsestekst, emne, afsender, modtagere og oplysninger om vedhæftede filer. Det vil muligvis sende disse data til en tredjepartstjeneste. Andre elementer i din postkasse kan ikke læses eller ændres.
    Dette tilføjelsesprogram kan starte automatisk, når:
    • Brugeren opretter en ny mail.
    • Brugeren opretter en ny begivenhed.
