DeepL for Powerpoint
inden DeepL
Translate presentations and create well-written, error-free slides in seconds
Easily translate your presentations for international audiences and improve your writing, from titles to bullet points, in seconds. Use the DeepL add-in to create flawless slide decks in different
languages to confidently present your work at a highly professional level. All directly within PowerPoint.
DeepL Translator
Use the world's most accurate and nuanced machine translator directly in PowerPoint to instantly translate selected text into over 30 languages with just a click—no more switching between apps or
copying and pasting text
- Select text for instant translation
- See the translation before replacing the original text
- Keep the original text formatting
DeepL Write
Take your writing in English and German to the next level (with more languages coming soon) to craft well-written and error-free texts tailored to your audience and objectives. Get clear and
impactful presentations with impeccable grammar and global resonance.
- Select text for instant improvement
- Get alternative options to fine-tune your text
- See any text suggestions before replacing the original text
- Keep the original text formatting
Please note that you need a DeepL account to get started. If you’re a new user, you’ll be asked to create an account after installing the add-in. To use DeepL for PowerPoint without any limitations
and maximum data security and privacy, choose a paid plan that best suits your needs.
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