Cycle Time Tracker for Windpower Blade Manufacturing

inden Katpro Technologies Inc

Cycle time tracker is a comprehensive solution to capture production time with exhaustive reports.

Cycle time tracker by Katpro Technologies is a comprehensive solution tailored for Windpower Manufacturers such as Blade manufacturers, Engine Manufacturers and assemblers. It provides an intuitive solution to capture workshop data such as time taken for each process in the manufacturing and automatically predicts the time taken for finish other processes at the current rate. The exhaustive reporting integrated with the software gives the PMO office to generate various kind of reports to give them insights and intelligence into the production behaviour at various plants.

It is highly customizable for creating and managing new processes based on the industry and customer standards. This enables the system to automatically show screens to various user role types such as worker, supervisor, manager and the PMO office as well. The application also has various provisions to inform the workshop users to plan for the next process with integration with tablet devices and also with large displays.

The application also provides the capability to capture both parallel and sequential processes based on the type of the process in execution. With a very comprehensive admin interface, the customer can fine tune all processes, their sequence as well. The application is designed for using in multiple plants and locations and also supports multiple languages.

The software is made as software as a service on .NET and Angular Stack that can be deployed per tenant in a secure Microsoft Azure Infrastructure. Please contact us for more details.
