MyQ Roger

inden MyQ, spol. s r.o.

Public cloud scan and print platform including unique MFD mesh without local PC agents

What's MyQ Roger

MyQ Roger is a public cloud SaaS digital workplace assistant. The solution integrates with Microsoft Azure AD to allow users to scan and save documents directly to OneDrive and other cloud storages. With a mobile first approach to scanning & printing, MyQ Roger app interface matches the Multifunctional Devices (MFD) panel default setup, so users can manipulate jobs in the MFD remotely via the phone.

Why should you try MyQ Roger

MyQ Roger is a true cost saving solution for cloud print management.

MyQ Roger enables businesses to enhance and secure their employees’ scan & print experience through Microsoft Azure. Print jobs can be securely released from the cloud using any device: a smartphone, tablet or the MFD control panel directly. When they’re ready to print, they can walk up to any MyQ Roger-enabled MFD, authenticate, and release the job. The user experience for submitting and releasing jobs is the same no matter where they go or which device they use.

It can easily be adopted by SMBs while IT professionals won't have challenges to scale up the solution inside large organizations.

In the Education sector, universities can benefit from remote scan and print features, allowing students to digitize documents from anywhere at any time, and print them without having to go through a dedicated staff.

MyQ Roger Key differentiators:

  • 100% public cloud platform including unique MFD mesh without local PC agents

  • Personalised own workflows/shortcuts easily set by the user on the mobile device and fully-fledged mirrored on the MFP panel

  • Mobile print and scan, cloud print and scan, and cloud drive browsing

  • Native cloud connection to OneDrive, Google Drive, Dropbox, Box and iCloud

  • Cloud security including remote and contactless printing, dynamic QR login, two factor authentication

  • In-built free OCR PDF scan with the mobile app

  • Remote touchless control of the printer panel with a mobile device

  • Accessibility with personalized voice commands

  • Analytics & reporting

  • Microsoft Universal Print

Contact us today to find out more about MyQ Roger.
