
durch Zuzan LLC

(3 Bewertungen)

Schedule meeting effortlessly - no more back-and-forths - and reduce time to value

Youkeeps is a corporate scheduling tool for meetings inside and across organizations. It reduces meeting coordination time by factor of 3. The service automatically finds common available slots or, if needed, participants can choose the suitable slots manually. It correctly handles time zones and personal settings for each participant.

Youkeeps materially improves your productivity and reduce frustration caused by endless manual scheduling.

Spend more time doing useful work!

Youkeeps can be installed as an add-in Microsoft 365, Microsoft Outlook and Microsoft Teams and Office hubs from Microsoft’s AppSource (ask your IT team) and can be integrated with various calendar and video conferencing suites.

  • Directly from Outlook or Teams click on Youkeeps extension
  • Create an invitation filling in the meeting form
  • Click “Send invitations” and Youkeeps will do the rest

We prioritize your privacy: we do not store or disclose the contents of your calendars to any third parties.

Learn more and get started here

For support questions and info contact us at

To utilize this Outlook add-in, a Microsoft work or school account is required.

You can use the app 30 days as a free trial, then you need to purchase the app.


Wenn diese App verwendet wird, wird sie
  • Es kann Daten über das Internet senden.
  • Diese App kann auf persönliche Informationen in der aktiven Nachricht zugreifen, beispielsweise Telefonnummern, Anschriften oder URLs. Die App sendet diese Daten möglicherweise an einen Drittanbieterdienst. Andere Elemente in Ihrem Postfach können weder gelesen noch geändert werden.

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