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Apps Ergebnisse
Es werden Ergebnisse in apps angezeigt.
Alle Ergebnisse
Sigma CPQSigma SystemsCross-market omni-channel quote and order capture product that defines how your business sells.
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1 out of 60
HalosysSonata Software LtdHalosys is a Unified Enterprise platform to rapidly build and deploy mobile apps on all platforms
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2 out of 60
MATRIXX Software Digital Commerce Platform DCPMatrixx Software, Inc.MATRIXX DCP is a 3GPP Compliant Converged Charging System at heart of monetizing 4G and 5G networks
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3 out of 60
Classified ListingBINARYROOTS PRIVATE LIMITEDA teams app to create internal Buy/Sell Marketplace for your organization
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4 out of 60
Oction+OctupusOpen programmability platforms to deliver infrastructure faster w/o error, reducing costs and TTM.
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5 out of 60
Thinking Machine IT, Cloud & Telecom Cost-Savings PlatformThinking Machine Systems LimitedAI cost-savings platform with automated audits to fix value leakage on your Telco,Cloud& IT services
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6 out of 60
Refinitiv DataParser17a-4 LLCConnector software to collect Refinitiv chats and files for archiving or eDiscovery.
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7 out of 60
Optiva BSS PlatformOptiva Software LtdThe Optiva BSS Platform is an end-to-end customer and revenue management solution
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8 out of 60
DIRECT! EXTREMEWAMNET Japan K.K.大容量ファイルを高速転送可能なクラウドサービスです。
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9 out of 60
Zuora Revenue on AzureZuoraZuora Revenue, the market-leader to recognize, reconcile and analyze any revenue stream in real time
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10 out of 60
IDEMIA IDmanageIDEMIAProvisioning, storing and managing trusted identities.
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11 out of 60
PrimeGlobal Wavenet Pte LtdUnified Messaging Platform for Telco Operators & Communication Service Providers
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12 out of 60
Lifecycle Software BSSLifecycle Software LtdCrush complexity with digital BSS
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13 out of 60
CCS Lifecycle SoftwareLifecycle Software LtdCCS equip telcos to make the most of their network and delight customers while increasing revenue
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14 out of 60
Digital Customer Lifecycle ManagerTecnotree OyjDrive superior customer relationships keeping customer at the epicentre of CSP ecosystem with DCLM
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15 out of 60
EI Lifecycle SoftwareLifecycle Software LtdEvent Intelligence monitors network events using artificial intelligence and real-time decisioning
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16 out of 60
SMS APIPAASOO TECHNOLOGY LIMITEDSend your verification and marketing messages to customers at ease
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17 out of 60
Infonova Digital MarketplaceBeyond Now GmbHInfonova Digital Marketplace is a SaaS based solution for businesses who wish to grow revenue fast
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18 out of 60
Kairos 365 FSMNETBOSS COMUNICACIONES S.LConnect the field team to the customer and to the rest of the operational areas of the organization
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19 out of 60
Utilizing Infinxt VM Services to automate and enhance cloud and branch office communication.Infinity Labs LimitedUtilizing Infinxt VM Services to automate and enhance cloud and branch office communication.
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20 out of 60
Collear - Learning Management System (Powered by PamTen)PamTenOur platform encourages learning through online and/or offline methods via live instructions & exams
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21 out of 60
Amdocs eSIM cloudAMDOCS (ISRAEL) LTDThe leading eSIM management platform, covering all devices, methods and business segments in a cloud
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22 out of 60
CWSI Workplace - Digital Employee ExperienceCWSIScalable Orchestration that delivers the Digital Employee Experience in the Modern Workplace
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23 out of 60
CSG Encompass QuoteCsg Systems, Inc.TM Forum award-winning SaaS platform that is the industry benchmark for complex B2B quote management
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24 out of 60
Enreach | Operator Connect for Microsoft TeamsEnreach MarketplaceAdd complete VoIP capabilities to Microsoft Teams with Enreach
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25 out of 60
RepsMate - Make interactions countRepsMate Software S.R.L.Workforce & Business Intelligence Platform
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26 out of 60
Telephone Operator Detection APISC DE VIS SOFTWARE SRLTelephone Operator Detection API, TelOperatorDet is used to detect current phone operator and more.
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27 out of 60
KavkomKavkomKavkom cloud-based offers intuitive, multifunctional features for your workplace telephony.
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28 out of 60
网梯互动直播北京网梯科技发展有限公司网梯科技发展有限公司提供的教育教学专用互动直播解决方案,融合Azure AI提供智能化教学直播服务,可帮助教育、出版领域客户实现在线开展会议、讲座、直播课堂等业务。
Applicable to:
29 out of 60
DataRetainBAE Systems Digital Intelligence LtdDataRetain, a highly scalable, distributed, virtualised solution providing lawful disclosure
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30 out of 60
DataBridgeBAE Systems Digital Intelligence LtdDataBridge delivers high performance lawful intercept (LI) capability to fixed, mobile and satellite
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31 out of 60
Enterprise ArchitectureMavim B.V.Model, visualize, and collaborate from one repository
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32 out of 60
Digital Customer Lifecycle ManagerTecnotree OyjDrive superior customer relationships keeping customer at the epicentre of CSP ecosystem with DCLM
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33 out of 60
Governance, Risk & Compliance SolutionMavim B.V.align your business objectives with already-established governance, risk, and compliance requirement
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34 out of 60
Challengermode Game Developer APIChallengermode ABYour Competitive Toolkit for Driving Retention and Monetization!
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35 out of 60
NP Power BI for AttractionNaviPartnerPower BI Attraction Report compatible with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central
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Power BI apps
FantasyLaLiga Tech, S.L.Fantasy Sports Gaming, a Fan Engagement tool for fans to compete through real-time match statistics
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37 out of 60
Callroute - Connect Your Carriers and Phone Systems to Microsoft Teams CallingCallrouteConnect your existing phone providers and phone systems to Microsoft Teams using Callroute.
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38 out of 60
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39 out of 60
Cloud Phone SystemFirstNet Technology ServicesA readily available and cost effective cloud-based phone system solution.
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40 out of 60
RepsMate for BPO SectorRepsMate Software S.R.L.RepsMate for the BPOs: Streamlining Processes and Enhancing Client Satisfaction
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41 out of 60
CompensationsLogosoft BHOptimize vendor and customer transactions Bosnia.
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Business Central
42 out of 60
XOVOX XPORT247XOVOXConvert nonstandard voice recording files to open WAV format
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43 out of 60
XOVOX XTRACTXOVOXXTRACT retrieves valuable data from outmoded voice archives, regardless of how it is formatted.
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44 out of 60
Smallworld Network Inventory for TelecomGE VernovaGIS-Based Network Inventory for Telecoms
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45 out of 60
ServiceNow Technology Providers Service Management TPSMServiceNowTechnology Providers, Service Management, TPSM
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46 out of 60
ServiceNow Order Management for Technology Providers OMTPServiceNowOrder Management for Technology Providers OMTP
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47 out of 60
Servicenow Telecommunications Service Operations Management TSOMServiceNowTelecommunications Service Operations Management TSOM
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48 out of 60
Servicenow Telecommunications Network Inventory TNIServiceNowTelecommunications Network Inventory TNI
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49 out of 60
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50 out of 60
Exotel Veeno India PSTN For Microsoft teams Direct routingExotel India PSTN calling from Microsoft teams
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51 out of 60
Prismforce Talent Supply Chain Products - AI-led Skill management and Talent marketplacePRISMFORCE PRIVATE LIMITEDPrismforce Products aim to digitize skill and talent management processes for tech service providers
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52 out of 60
Symphonica OSS - Telecom provisioning, activation and automationSymphonicaSymphonica OSS - Telecom provisioning, activation and automation
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53 out of 60
Mirasys Video Management SystemMirasys OySoftware offers high performance with an unlimited number of servers and cameras managed one place.
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54 out of 60
No code .NET Maui mobile app builderDIGITALPC LTDIntegrate and build enterprise iOS and Android apps on the Reptile no-code mobile app builder.
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55 out of 60
Nuclei_Retail MarketplaceCDNA technologies Private LimitedNuclei's super app builder helps banks & telcos to increase digital engagement with their customers.
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56 out of 60
Askey 5G Private Network SolutionAskey Computer Corp.5G Private Network Solutions Accelerate Digital Transformation, Smart Manufacturing and Factory
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57 out of 60
VimBizVimsoft Inc.VimBiz is a suite of modules that streamlines Scheduling, Rentals, & Engineering workflows.
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58 out of 60
Matilda OptimizeMatilda, IncMatilda Optimize | 60%+ improvement in productivity | 100% visibility with actionable intelligence
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59 out of 60
BMC Digital Service Operations Management (ServiceOps) delivered by Amdocs digital engineeringAmdocsServiceOps empowers enterprises to optimize their service delivery and operational efficiency
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60 out of 60