GBG Copilot Jump to Start


GBG’s Tech Jump to start is designed to Help you adopt new AI based products and evolve your productivity and minimize your effort.

Overview: Join Global Brands in it’s journey to a new era of AI powered business solutions. Global Brands is a seasoned fast track ready partner and Managed security services provider, is now leading the way in AI solutions on multiple business layers. We’d love to be your guide to Microsoft 365 Copilot introduction and adoption sessions along with unlocking more and more with Copilot studio and other appliances. Tailor your experience with us and save time and effort. Key Features:

A. Get to know your new sidekick: a walk through MICROSOFT 365 Copilot and it’s features and the different types of it and the tailoring options available.

B. Prepare for AI: Our experts will walk you through the needed prerequisites and preparations needed to utilize MICROSOFT 365 Copilot in the best way.

C. Customization Offerings: Get to know what MICROSOFT 365 Copilot can offer when it comes to customizing the solution to your needs.

D. Copilot Security considerations: Our experts will cover the data security part while using MICROSOFT 365 Copilot to ensure a safe experience for your users.

E. Post-Engagement Deployment&Support: We'll continue to support your team even after the engagement ends, providing ongoing assistance, troubleshooting, and guidance as needed.


  1. Introduction to Copilot for Microsoft 365 o Overview of Copilot for Microsoft 365 o Purpose and functionalities of Copilot o Working principles behind Copilot o Core components integral to Copilot

  2. Getting Started with Copilot o Basics of Copilot functionality o Insights into Microsoft’s commitment to ethical AI implementation o Prerequisites for using Copilot o Preparing data for Copilot searches o Licensing considerations for Copilot

  3. Exploring Copilot Across Microsoft 365 Applications o Practical usage of Copilot across various Microsoft 365 applications o Streamlining workflow and increasing productivity o Real-world examples and best practices o Leveraging Copilot’s AI capabilities for content creation

  4. Security Considerations and Deployment Requirements o Understanding Copilot’s impact on security o Compliance with data protection regulations o Integration with existing security measures o Deployment prerequisites and system requirements o Testing and validation procedures o Monitoring and auditing Copilot usage

  5. Optimizing and Extending Copilot o Comprehensive best practices for Copilot o Key extension methods to harness Copilot’s full potential o Advanced techniques for maximizing Copilot’s versatility o Ensuring responsible and effective use of AI

  6. Post-Engagement Support and Continuous Learning o Resources for ongoing learning and skill development o Community forums and knowledge sharing o Troubleshooting common issues o Help with preparing and deploying Copilot

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