Increment Offer Viva Goals Pilot

Increment Pty Ltd

Increase your organisation's execution velocity, elevate performance, empower your teams and achieve measurable results with OKRs and Viva Goals.

Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) deliver significant value to organisations by aligning efforts, prioritising results, fostering accountability, and enabling adaptability. Renowned companies like Microsoft, Google, and Facebook have reaped the benefits of implementing OKRs.

At Increment, we leverage our expertise in Viva Goals and take a customised approach to seamlessly guide your organisation through a pilot implementation of OKRs. We provide comprehensive support to your senior leaders, empowering them to utilise OKRs effectively in achieving your organisation's strategic priorities.

The OKR launch stage focuses on the adoption of OKRs via Viva Goals by the first 1 or 2 leadership layers of your organisation.


  1. Pilot of Viva Goals - define launch scope, objectives, and goals

  2. Leadership (1-2 levels max) onboarding with clarity on initial program expectations

  3. OKR coaching of leadership to embed the process into organisation operating rhythms

The outcome of the launch stage will be clarity for your organisation's leaders of top objectives, with Viva Goals used as a tool to track and manage the ongoing progress of achieving those objectives and key results.

Terms, conditions, and pricing are custom to each engagement.

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