Digital Invoice Approval: 10-Day Implementation

Objektkultur Software GmbH

Implementation of a fully automated and digitised invoice approval process

Companies generate lots of invoices, often in paper form. These invoices frequently have to be scanned, sent to the person responsible for approval, signed, rescanned and returned. This process takes a lot of time and is prone to error. The topic of data protection also plays a major role. Objektkultur digitises the approval process of invoices with Office 365 and Datev Online. The solution stores invoices and documents in SharePoint Online and can map multi-stage approval processes. By means of an automatic push notification to the responsible person, the invoice can comfortably be approved online using an electronic signature. Once a document has been approved, it is uploaded automatically to Datev Online. A role and rights concept facilitates the assignment of authorisations and accesses. The consulting service offered here includes both the consulting merit as well as the implementation and is estimated at about € 10,000. This figure may vary, depending on the travel to the customer and the scope of the project. During the consulting phase, we will address the issues mentioned above to construct an individual strategy customised to your wishes and needs, that will be implemented accordingly.

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