Migrate Email to Microsoft 365: 3-8 Week Implementation

Provisions Group, LLC

Week 1-2: Assess Current Environment, Week 3-4: Design Migration Plan, Week 5-6: Setup and Run Test Migration, Week 7-8: Cutover

If you have any interest in migrating on-premises Exchange Servers into Microsoft 365, you may have contemplated the value, but have been disconcerted, distracted, or discouraged by the effort or complexity required to move your data there.

Whether you're just getting started or you have a plan to migrate to Microsoft 365 and would like to have a second opinion and experienced hands, our tried and provide implementation plan is right for you:

Week 1-2: Assess Current Environment

  • Understand goals and outcomes
  • Review existing servers
  • Review existing networks
  • Review existing storage

Week 3-4: Design Migration Plan

  • Recommend a design for the target Microsoft 365 environment
  • Recommend a plan to migrate: tools, approach, timeline
  • Finalize team approach
  • Finalize cutover schedule

Week 5-6: Setup and Run Test Migration

  • Connect environments
  • Test migration

Week 7-8: Testing and Cutover

  • Provide access to testing
  • Make adjustments as necessary
  • Finalize testing of migration
  • Migrate Data and Cutover

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