TCS Design Win and Intelligent Customer Engagement

Tata Consultancy Services Ltd - Dynamics

TCS Design Win and Intelligent Customer Engagement – High-Tech, Semiconductors

TCS Design Win and Intelligent Customer Engagement is a tailor-made solution for the high-tech, electronics devices and semiconductor industry leveraging the power of Mi-crosoft Dynamics 365 cloud, Power Platform and the Azure to elevate customer experi-ence by enhanced customer engagement and reimagined the ‘Design-In to WIN’ sales processes thus empowering the global sales teams. The platform is targeted towards de-livering industry leading customer experience for end customers across the customer lifecycle from awareness to advocacy in the high-tech, electronics devices and Semicon-ductor industry. The platform comprises of Customer engagement processes across the business areas of Marketing, Sales and Services modules and is configured/customized for high tech/electronics device manufacturers , integrated circuit makers or semiconductor manufacturers to offer capabilities like tracking design-wins and sample orders, managing global pricing, quotes, contracts, debit, POS, managing reps and supporting end-customers. The TCS offering increases customer engagement & user productivity by streamlining interactions with the entire value chain involving distis, customers, partners, enabling organizations to sell effectively and efficiently with seamless collaboration. Or-ganizations can spend more time on the design and selling, less on manual coordination and follow-up.

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