SwissSalary Library

durch SwissSalary Ltd.

A library providing basic functionality for development

This app simplifies the development of other Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central apps by providing a set of frequently used functionalities. While there is no direct advantage for the user, the development of other apps can be made faster and more unified.
The main features currently are:
  • Generic Json Serializer/Deserializer: Create and read complex json with just a few lines of code.
  • Mockable Http Service: A service to make http requests with built in mocking capability and telemetry helpers.
  • Type Helpers: Simplify working with style expressions, texts, medias, etc.
  • And more...

SwissSalary Ltd. uses this framework in several of their apps.

Supported editions:

This app supports both the Essential and Premium editions of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.

Supported countries:


Supported Languages:

The app is available in German, French, Italian and English.


This app doesn't depend on any other apps.

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