Forex Hedging (FX) - DycoTrade
durch DycoTrade
Manage your foreign currency (FX) price risk exposure with DycoTrade Forex Hedging
Fighting the currency fluctuation dragon
Internationally operating businesses frequently face the challange of managing foreign currency exchange rates. To mitigate the risk of fluctuating exchange rates between the order date and the payment date, organizations utilize Forex contracts. Forex contracts are widely available in international banking, and DycoTrade’s Forex Hedging will register these contracts in Microsoft Dynamics 365, enhancing the predictability of actual cost, sales, and margins.
Key benefits
- Store Forex contracts directly in your ERP for full compliance
- Use lump sum hedging or allocate your FX contract to sales or purchase orders and vice versa
- Ensure accurate financial reporting and eliminate unexpected loss or profit upon payment
The desire to optimise any international business inspired DycoTrade to develop an Forex Hedging application, providing any Dynamics 365 F&SCM environment with enhanced functionality on Financial Risk management. The Forex Hedging solution is fully integrated with Microsoft Dynamics 365 and will support standard (financial) postings and functions within Dynamics, but also provides additional functions on hedging, forward rolling and trade books in multi-currency environments.
Find out more in the DycoTrade Forex Hedging Brochure