Violin Plot by MAQ Software

durch MAQ LLC

Microsoft PBI Certified
(2 Bewertungen)
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Visualize data distribution across categories

Violin Plot by MAQ Software enables you to easily view the distribution of data, including mean, standard deviation, quartile deviation, and probability density. With the plot’s interactive slider and animated play/pause button, you can view and project trends across products, services, locations, and more. Business Uses
  • Project Managers – Compare team productivity across streams by using burndown data in violin plot
  • Sales and Marketing – Project sales across products, analyse historical data for earlier campaigns
  • Human Resources – Predict, analyse and plan team expenditure
  • Features
  • Interactive slider to view change over time or across categories
  • Play/pause animation to view change over time or across categories
  • Customizable data colors
  • Cross-filtering with other visuals
  • Support For support, please visit our Violin Plot page on Zendesk:

    Visuelle Funktionen

    Dieses Visual ist von Power BI zertifiziert.

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