Bar Chart With Top N Selection

durch Office Solution

(7 Bewertungen)
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Select Top N number of items to be displayed in chart and rest items will be clubbed as others

The functionality of this chart is that user can select Top N (number of items to be displayed in chart by a numerical value) and rest items are clubbed into a category called as others. Key features: • Users can flip X and Y axis - User Can Rotate the chart (vertical to horizontal) • Users can Zoom into a certain section in a chart • Ability to add growth trends and connectors on command • Flag on command differences between two data points in the graph, user should be able to select 2 points in a chart and then on tool tip or right click user should be able to see simple status like sum, avg, diff of those points • User should be able to change and select custom ranges shown on the Y axis of the charts • Ability to add reference lines on command This charts full features are available after getting a license. For charges please click on the Logo of Office Solution available on the visual. Updated visual with Key to use for 1 month. Key: Yt&bgwUHxTr8[Xyu

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