Executive Reports for Microsoft Project for Web

durch FluentPro Software Corporation

(1 Bewertungen)

Valuable decision-making insights with 10+ Power BI reports for Microsoft Project for Web.

Executive Reports for Microsoft Project for Web is a reporting solution for Microsoft Project for Web that includes several visually rich reports and dashboards which will give you valuable insights about your project portfolio, team, assignments etc. The pack includes the following reports:

  1. Portfolio, which show the list of your projects, general information about the overall progress of the portfolio and project statuses.
  2. Project is the report that will show you the details, such as task assignments and progress of a single project or a group of projects which you can select in filters.
  3. Tasks Overview provides information about the progress of tasks, the number of tasks that are due by month and statistics about task completion. Filters by project and by resource are available in this report.
  4. Assignments Overview & Details shows detailed information about assignments progress and resource workload where you can see on which projects each resource is assigned.
  5. Team Overview & Details provides some valuable stats about the performance of your team and their workload for the future periods.

Executive Reports for Microsoft Project for Web is available for free. If you need any customizations or additional reports, we are happy to offer you our Power BI consulting services. Our experts will analyze your request and provide an effective solution tailored to your business needs.

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