Beezy Stories
durch Beezy Inc.
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Learn how to enhance the employee experience and communications with Beezy app for Microsoft Teams
Learn how to enhance the employee experience and communications with Beezy app for Microsoft Teams
The value of the Beezy Stories lies in our ability to take a diverse and complex set of Microsoft collaboration and communication capabilities and to deliver them in one unifying and comprehensive user experience. We enable our customers to dramatically reduce information silos, consolidate business tools, and get everyone operating on the same page!
Beezy Stories fits perfectly into the daily routine of team collaboration displaying news, updates, and important announcements from Beezy intelligent workplace directly in Teams. It reaches people were they collaborate and get their work done. It enables globalized companies to manage and visualize how their corporate objectives sync with each of their teams, avoiding potential conflicts and team segregation. It simplifies their internal communications with remote and diverse types to working teams, departments, and divisions.
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