
durch Knoware

Prescribe, prepare and administer complex regimen-based customizable oncological medicine treatments

ComeoCare is a responsive, integrated web application for hospital healthcare professionals for the prescription and management of complex regimen-based customizable medicine treatments with dose calculation, pharmaceutical compounding and controlled nursing administration. ComeoCare guides you through the complete workflow:

  • Define and manage the complete list of regimens and their detail. Follow the full validation workflow.
  • As a physician, select a regimen from the structured list for your patients and let ComeoCare calculate the right dose based on the patient's clinical data. Customize, refine and add comments to the selected regimen and associated prescriptions for the pharmacy and nursing.
  • As a pharmacist, manage the available products, diluents and pumps. Be notified of all upcoming preparations and let ComeoCare guide you through the full preparation and validation process. ComeoCare suggests the correct packages and vials to use and supports Drug Vial Optimization. Use photographic and gravimetric control
  • As a nurse, consult and plan the administration of the cytostatic preparations. ComeoCare allows you to view the complete patient's current and previous treatments. Use bedside scanning for closed-loop integration

Integrate ComeoCare with other systems running in the hospital, such as the patient and visit system, pharmacy stock management, laboratory information system and electronic patient file through the international HL7 standard.

ComeoCare is fully adaptive to any device, from desktop and laptop computers, to wall mounted smart screens, tablets, and even smartphones, enabling instant access at the cabinet, office, white room, or on the move in the corridors, at patient’s bed and even remotely from home. You can install our solution either on-premise or use our cloud offer.

Our software is a Medical Device, meaning it is subject to local market specific regulatory requirements.

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