
durch Lucius LaFromboise Enterprises LLC

Report writing done right! Create document templates that automatically import data from Excel.

Automate Your Reports
ReportRighter enables you to import charts, images, diagrams, and data from cells effortlessly into Word. No more copy and pasting!

Use Your Existing Templates
ReportRighter imports data from your Excel workbooks into your existing report templates. Simply highlight a section of text that you want to replace with data from Excel and click the “Insert Cell Import” button.

Auto-Format Tables
ReportRighter can even auto-size your tables! If you have data that you would like to present in a table, but the table size can vary between reports, ReportRighter detects the entire range of data that you want to import and will automatically size the table to fit it all!

Seamless Integration with your Organization
The ReportRighter start up package includes:
• Risk Analysis(FMEA)
• Standard Operating Procedure
• Work Instruction
• Robust Validation package

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