Company Central
από Plumbline Consulting LLC
Manage and sync data for multiple companies in Business Central in one place!
Simplifying Multi-Company Administration in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central
If you have multiple companies set up in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, you know how much time it takes to perform standard tasks such as updating posting dates, adding new dimensions, or adding new accounts to your chart of accounts.
Company Central speeds and simplifies the process of managing and maintaining multiple companies in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. You will save time by not having to manually update Posting Date ranges, G/L Accounts, and Dimensions across companies. Company Central keeps your companies in sync. In addition, you can view unposted batches across companies — there is no need to visit each company separately.
With Company Central, you can:
- Set a General Ledger allowable posting date range for all or selected companies
- Set the allowable posting date ranges by user for all or selected companies
- Synchronize G/L Accounts, Vendors, Dimension Codes, and Dimension Values across multiple companies
- View and post Journal Batches with unposted entries for any company from within any company
- Set Journal Batches up for automatic posting using job queues
Next Steps
Click the Free Trial button to get started with Company Central or visit Company Central for Microsoft Dynamic 365 Business Central - Plumbline Consulting to learn more.
Supported Editions
This app supports the Essential and Premium edition of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.
Supported Countries
United States
Supported Languages
English (United States)