B2F Expense Management

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B2F Expense Management

B2F Expenditure Management provides manages the expense of field personnel
Enables management of expenditures incurred by external field personnel. Personnel who works out of the office can enter their expenditures. Limited user will be enough to use it and the pages are adjusted according to mobileAdvantages of Deferral & Allocation

• Easy to set up and use

• Capability for company personnel to follow up on their own current accounts (in terms of advance)

• Capability to choose the cost types, cost center, or payment method while entering the expense form.

• In expense entry, the capability to add the document pictures to the system. • Connection with Email/webIU - supported sign-off mechanism over approval hierarchy

• Convenience for the Finance team to complete recognition by pressing one single button after the conclusion of the final checks on expense forms entered

. • Capability for field team and company personnel to enter the expense forms in the expense screen

Supported Editions:

The app supports the
Essential and Premium Editions of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business

Supported Countries:

All Countries

Supported Languages:

This app is available in
English (United States) and Turkey (Turkish)

For Pricing and more information

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