Citizen on a page - 1 Week - Proof of Concept

Data Addiction Pty Ltd

Citizen on a page provides a single view of a constituent, customer or patient that delivers insights to identify risks and opportunities and provide better services

The digital world is changing the ways citizens and agencies communicate. Despite having access to more and more customer information than ever, agencies are finding it difficult to unlock the value of this information to deliver better services; because data is often distributed across multiple systems and is slow to access. By joining these datasets together and giving them meaning, better insights can be provided into who the customers are, how their services can be improved and how to do so with lower cost.

The offer listed is estimated based on a 1 week engagement.

Day 1: Discover the citizen data you have available and how to access it Day 2: Discuss the value that can be derived Day 3: Explore your data sets in Microsoft Dynamics Customer Insights Day 4: Report on the insights and evangelise how this will make a difference Day 5: Present the insights to your stakeholders and determine next steps

At a glance