Power BI v2 Workspace Migration: 3-Day Workshop


The Power v2 Workspace Migration covers a structured, risk-free path for v2 migration and helps IT or the in-house BI team gain visibility on Power BI & Office 365 group admin activities

The Power v2 Workspace Migration is a 3-day workshop that provides a re-useable guide for reviewing all Power BI Workspaces within the client tenant and upgrading classic workspaces to the new workspace experience. The client will use the latest Microsoft Power BI Cmdlets and REST APIs provided by Walkerscott for this exercise. Walkerscott will provide an efficient approach to identify Power BI Workspace occupancy and upgrade considerations. This will include:

  • Ability review the company workspaces and user information
  • Script to add admin account to all workspaces
  • Workspaces usage and related O365 group information
  • Optional workspace deletion script


Prerequisites Workshop:

  • PowerShell Modules
  • O365 Master Account setup
  • Discuss Limitations and Considerations

Workspace Upgrade Workshop:

  • Identify Actions to be taken
  • Usage of PowerShell scripts
  • Export Workspace Usage and related O365 group information

Follow Up Workshop:

  • Review upgraded v2 workspace
  • Power BI Workspace cleansing
  • Ongoing process


Power BI Workspace Upgrade and Governance step-by-step guideline

  • Prerequisites and software requirements
  • PowerShell script broken down by individual steps
  • Power BI Workspace Upgrade
  • Optional Workspace Deletion
  • Collection of Test Scenarios

Power BI Workspace Upgrade and Governance PowerShell scripts

  • List workspaces user permissions
  • Add admin user to v1 and v2 workspaces
  • List workspaces with additional information
  • Delete v2 Workspaces

A Power BI Workspace Report

  • No of Active vs Deleted Workspaces
  • No of v1 vs v2 Workspaces
  • Power BI Workspace activities
  • Office 365 group activities

At a glance