hi Digital Coach for Viva Insights

by Digital Attitude Srl

hi is a data-driven digital coach to build, maintain & reinforce new habits that maximize well-being

At Digital Attitude, we work to make technology adoption and behavioural change simple. To reach this goal, we will design H.I., an advanced Digital Assistant that coaches users to build and maintain new habits, facilitating the adoption of both new technologies and smarter ways of working within organizations. H.I. translates insights from research on psychology and change management into a contextual, personalized, and just-in-time action-based programme. Users learn new tech-related behaviours and are coached to transform them into sustainable habits through conscious and unconscious methods applied on a daily basis.

The combination of scientifically proven methodologies, unique levels of employee personalisation, and an Organisational Dashboard, renders H.I. the singular app on the digital adoption market offering a solution that remains effective, and truly digitised.

At a glance