Cityway Manett MaaS Solution

by Cityway

State of the art technology to create simpler and more sustainable mobility for all travelers

Manett-MaaS is Cityway’s Mobility as a Service intelligent solutions to help local authorities and their appointed mobility providers create a seamless mobility experience for their riders, allowing more travelers to take the first step towards more equitable, sustainable, shared mobility.


All-in-one intermodal app

Manett-MaaS improves the multimodal experience of travelers, and helps pilot their use through a complete software solution that we have been improving every day alongside our clients since 2001. Our MaaS solution helps:

  • Travelers to access, plan, pay and validate, unlock, book and ride, through an app.
  • Clients to manage, analyze, improve their offers through digital solutions.

Manett-MaaS is fully intermodal, real-time and predictive.


Configurable and customizable

Manett-MaaS is configurable to perfectly meet the needs of our clients, and customizable to fit their identity.



Depending on our clients’ needs, it is possible to buy Manett-MaaS solutions and services step by step to:

  • Inform their travelers
  • Allow their travelers to book microtransit and shared modes
  • Sell all mobility services
  • Optimize travelers’ mobility experience:

Accessible and Compliant

Our solutions comply with all requirements for: Personal data protection (GDPR), National RGAA standards for the accessibility of services for the sensory impaired, International W3C.

Our live MaaS references

MaaS application in Mulhouse Alsace Metropolitan Area, France

MaaS application in Saint-Etienne Metropolitan Area, France

MaaS application in Bourgogne Franche-Comté Region, France

At a glance