Vision Platform 365

by Vision Platform

A simple, effective workflow to create consistency & efficiency 

With Vision Platform, you can unify your leadership team around a strategic vision and execution plan — in two days. It's ideal for CEOs and business unit leaders of midsize to enterprise companies. 

Vision Platform is a rapid, collaborative, and iterative alternative to traditional business strategy methods, so you can avoid the lack of clarity and unity that holds most companies back. You will focus and engage your talent, refine your reporting, and adapt as the market changes.

Many leaders feel their organization is mostly aligned, and that’s good enough. Perhaps as good as it gets, so they settle. However, ‘mostly aligned’ creates disappointment and frustration because marketing is promising one version of your message, sales may be promising something different, and the people delivering your offerings may be focused on something else entirely.

Vision Platform offers a simple workflow combined with an expert facilitator to ensure you dig deep, address blind spots, and produce the best outcomes. Start executing your vision in two days instead of two months.

How to get clear— in two days

Preparation) Gather knowledge:

Before your first day, your team will answer a survey, which we will use to pre-populate the application with what you already know.

Day 1) Clarify your strategic vision:

Your leadership team will agree on the following fourteen points that drive companies forward. Each crucial decision is subject to a challenging set of questions, so your team has confidence in their conclusions:

  • Big goal (a long-term stretch goal)
  • Buyer(s) defined
  • Buyer needs mapping
  • Category of business
  • Collective purpose (your reason for being)
  • Competitor analysis
  • Current and future offerings
  • Decision cycle
  • Organizational analysis
  • Regions & industries served
  • Brand personality
  • Trends & issues
  • Value proposition
  • Values

Day 2) Strategic execution plan:

You will define strategic focus areas for your organization. Each one tied to leading and lagging indicators. You'll know what you've achieved and if you’re on track to reach the future goal(s).


  • Strategic vision and execution that’s fast and effective: minimum time commitment, simplified workflow
  • Mitigate risk around what is getting accomplished: simple tracking of leading and lagging indicators
  • Timely course correction: adapt strategies, goals, and vision as you evolve in a changing market
  • Reduce meetings: clear decision criteria and process
  • Unified teams: tasks tie directly to a clear and authentic vision

At a glance