AR Collections App

by Plumbline Consulting LLC

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Track your Accounts Receivable collection efforts within Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.

Manage Receivables more effectively

AR Collections allows you to monitor your collection efforts within Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. Track your contacts with past due clients and when they are expected to pay.

Process your information easily

Automate your collection process by easily sending dunning letters, late notices, and copies of invoices via paper, email all from one location.

Save time and money

Historically track your collections efforts with a client with easy to use reports so you can see your collections efforts. Adds collection notes and expected date to your collection’s customer

Maintain security

AR Collections allows you to grant access to all customers as a collection’s admin or specific customers in our Collections account rep page.


• Internal email addresses for notifications

• Enter multiple contacts email addresses for a client

• Email addresses can be set specifically for different notifications

• Attach copies of original invoices to emails

• Attach a summary of invoices to emails

• Automate sending of emails

AR Collection Contract Notes

• Notes can be attached to one invoice or all

• Dated History of your client contacts

• Letters and emails sent automatically update contact history, expected pay dates for cash flow projection


• Print Collections Notes

• Print Email Collection notices

• Reprint Email Invoices and statements

Invoice Formats

Uses standard Dynamics 365 BC formats for invoices and statements but can be customized by client

Supported Editions

The app supports the Essentials and Premium Editions of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.

Supported countries

This app is available in the United States and Canada.

Supported languages

This app is available in English (United States and Canada) and French Canadian (Canada).

At a glance