Acta Mustang

by acta solutions

Acta Mustang makes standardized email responses across your team a one-click workflow.

Acta Mustang is designed for use in local government departments to standardize responses to repeat inquiries.

In order to use our product, your department should have a subscription to acta. If you're department does not have a subscription but you are interested in one, please contact our team via email at or on our website

Once you have installed our plugin and your department has been onboarded by our team, you can login to our add-in and select from a standardized set of tags and responses that your department has configured to reply to frequently occurring email inquiries from external stakeholders.

App capabilities

When this app is used, it
  • Can send data over the Internet
  • This app can access and modify personal information in the active message, such as the body, subject, sender, recipients, and attachment information. It may send this data to a third-party service. Other items in your mailbox can’t be read or modified.

At a glance