Unito for Excel

by Unito Inc

Build and automate two-way workflows by integrating Excel with the other tools in your stack.

Unito is a no-code Excel integration solution that allows you to connect your apps and automate your workflows in minutes. Bring data from your day to day tool into Excel to expedite reporting on work analytics, deal cycles, or revenue forecasting. Cut through the noise and make sure your teams have the right information when and where they need it — so they can focus on the task at hand. Go beyond traditional automation with deep 2-way flows that cover more use cases, sync more fields, and update in real-time.

Our customizable Excel integrations include Trello, Airtable, Asana, Notion, ClickUp,, Jira, GitHub, Smartsheet, HubSpot, Azure DevOps, Salesforce, and more than 15 other industry-leading tools.

How Unito works

  1. Connect the tools your team relies on every day

    • Dozens of integrations, with more added monthly
    • Two-way integrations so information can flow back and forth
    • Live sync, meaning updates happen in real-time

  2. Craft your ideal workflow, customized to your needs

    • More supported fields, like assignees, comments, custom fields, attachments and subtasks
    • Field mapping and flexible rules allow you to perfectly address your use case
    • Product specialists to help you optimize your workflow

  3. Launch and reap the rewards

    • Accurate info in the right place, at the right time.
    • Hours saved on busywork, dozens of zaps eliminated
    • Your team is aligned, focused, and able to achieve more.

Common use cases for Unito’s Excel integration

  • Instantly extract task data from a project management tool like Trello or Asana to better track progress and manage campaigns and budgets. Unito’s 2-way flows keep all data constantly up-to-date in both tools.
  • Sync sales, retention, churn, and other key metrics from a CRM like Salesforce or HubSpot to Excel to automate your reports.
  • Collaborate and exchange data with clients, contractors, or contributors by connecting Excel to a database like Airtable or Smartsheet.

Join 50,000 people using Unito to automate their workflows.

Sign up for a free 14-day trial. No credit card required.

App capabilities

When this app is used, it
  • Can read and make changes to your document
  • Can send data over the Internet

At a glance