EmployeeConnect Cirrus

by empeoplement

(10 ratings)

EmployeeConnect Cirrus – the ultimate solution for HR optimization

Compliant to Ever evolving Legislations & Internal Policies

EmployeeConnect Cirrus, an enterprise-class modular solution, well addresses HR local needs for optimized workforce planning to ensure government and internal compliance, for example 418, 713, minimum wage, standard working hours, etc.

Accuracy & Workflow Centricity

With the system in place and a centralized approach adopted, not only HR managers, but also employees and managers are actively involved in the HR processes, eliminating manual paperwork and offering more complete and updated information to all users.

Unrivaled flexibility and scalability

EmployeeConnect Cirrus is a scalable modular HR information system built on leading-edge Microsoft® technology. With the best software architecture, it integrates flexibility and functionality – web service calls between other systems, internal portal, accounting systems, etc., in the meantime the multi-tiered metadata design ensures the greatest flexibility to address your most special needs by embedded non-proprietary programming yet retaining the integrity of sources code.

From Administrative to Strategic Talent Management

The best-in-class HR solution simplifies a wide range of common HR tasks and talent management best practices, from recruitment, performance management, training & development across multiple departments, to succession planning.

Strategic Planning & Business Intelligence

By leveraging on the best-of-breed Microsoft Power BI, a suite of business analytics tools to analyze data and share insights, data are connected into useful cube and analysis, where cut and dice can be performed even without the assistance from IT or analyst experts.

Easy-to-use mobile application

Given the growing mobility of workforce, employees no longer stay in front of desktop computers every day. EmployeeConnect Cirrus offers mobile app for Android, iPhone and Windows 10 Mobile. All employee self service is available online, including leave application, enquiry, online pay slip, ESS functions, etc., submission and approval can all be done with the app!

At a glance