
by Inventis

CG Image & Video Authoring Solution for e-catalog, YouTube videos

About the Service

AutoRender is a cloud SaaS service for dealer sales, marketing person and agencies, to provide real-time CG image and video authoring environment to create photo-realistic 3D car model using the real-time rendering engine in the solution. Users, who wish to create digital contents of car photos for e-catalog, brochures, SNS, YouTube and website, can easily setup exact specifications and options on your web browser to create professional looking CG without any professional graphic tools or skills.


• NO CG professionals or agencies required.
• Quick, Easy and Cheaper Way to get CG result, but professional and high quality.
• Various rendering options.
• Support most of features, specifications, options of each car model.

Key Features

• Various Post processing Options (contrast, depth of field, white balance and etc.)
• Lighting and shadowing, reflection effect control
• Pre-defined special shots and video scenes : exterior, interior, inside part, disassemble and driving, etc.
• Automated CG asset extracting and saving

This application is available in multilingual languages including Korean, English.

At a glance