vGIS Utilities

by Meemim Inc.

vGIS Utilities

vGIS is the leading augmented- and mixed-reality visualization technology for GIS data. Using the vGIS system, field personnel can see an augmented view that includes holographic infrastructure objects, improving their environmental assessments and increasing their situational awareness. From delivering real-time, in-field holographic visualizations of underground pipes, valves, cables and other utility objects to visualizing ground penetrating radar scans, vGIS solutions are estimated to prevent 25% of excavation-related accidents resulting from human error, among other benefits. Running in Microsoft Azure Cloud, vGIS is a multi-platform device that supports Microsoft HoloLens, Android and iOS devices. Microsoft Azure guarantees high availability and high scalability. High reliability helps your organization stay connected to the back-end infrastructure from most locations using only mobile devices, while high scalability ensures that your vGIS system grows with your needs without degrading performance.

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