GDPR-compliant Secure File Transfer

by MBM Ltd

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Want to protect your clients' info with easy-to-use and GDPR-compliant secure file transfer service?

When receiving files containing confidential information, it’s vital to make sure you’re operating within the bounds of GDPR, in a highly scalable way.

MBM Secure File Transfer is designed to replace Email for the transfer of private files and you should no-longer be using Email to exchange secure documents with your clients. This is because:

  • Sensitive attachments can be opened when sent via Email because Email is not secure.
  • You don't need your Inbox full of clients' personal files. Clients have the right to ask you to perform an audited deletion of these items, this process is complex and time-consuming.
  • When a client sends you their personal files as Email, these Emails will be stored in their Sent Items or Deleted Items.

Why customers use Secure File Transfer

  • A GDPR-compliant way to receive files that requires no additional downloads or apps.
  • Reduces the need to split large files associated with server limits.
  • Removes the security and duplication issues involved in transferring confidential files via Email.
  • Limitless usage and capacity.

Who is benefitting from Secure File Transfer

There are many use cases but here are a few common ones:

  • Accountants often need to collect large quantities of personal files from their clients to complete tax returns.
  • Mortgage brokers need to see sensitive documents such as pay slips, bank statements, passports and driving licences.
  • Human Resources and employment agencies must receive personal documents such as CVs, resumes and qualification certificates.
  • Banking and investment companies often need to send private portfolios to their clients.

GDPR-compliant Secure File Transfer can be deployed to any of more than 40 regions around the world so that sensitive files remain inside your jurisdiction.

Secure File Transfer can also send files to your clients or groups of clients so if you have bundles of documents that you need to send securely to your clients, such as portfolios, board-level documents, etc, SFT can help.

To deploy your Secure File Transfer now, click on ‘GET IT NOW’ or choose a free one month trial.

At a glance