VLC Smart Warehouse Management App

by VLC Solutions LLC

(5 ratings)

Smart Warehouse Management App allows all the Warehouse related operations from the Mobile devices.

VLC Smart Warehouse Management App for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central allows the Warehouse personnel to perform all the Warehouse related operations from the Mobile devices on the Go without having to go to the workstations.

Warehouse personnel spend considerable amount of time going to the work station to enter or check information in to the Warehouse system.

Together with Barcoding, VLC Smart Warehouse Management App increases efficiency, Productivity and eliminates manual user entry errors

VLC Smart Warehouse Management App key Features are..

  • Customized profiles can be created for each user based on their Roles in the Warehouse
  • Provides the ability to perform all the Warehouse Management Operations required for Receipts, Put-Aways, Movements, Picks, Shipments, Physical Inventory and others from Mobile devices.
  • Provides the ability to complete different operations like processing Put-Aways , Picks with few Barcode scans
  • Inventory details and Bin Contents are accessible from different Warehouse Activities screens
  • Ability to Add Receipt copies, Images for Items, Receipts and Shipments from the App
  • Includes the Text / Speech functionality for Search and Inventory.
  • Ability to setup user wise Movement / Physical inventory Journals, assign documents to Users
  • Works with different warehouse Options on the Locations
  • Barcode and Report Management App for Warehouse is free with VLC Smart Warehouse Management.


Supported Editions

This app supports the Essential and Premium editions of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central


Supported Countries

United States, Canada, Mexico, United Kingdom

At a glance