Horizontal Funnel by MAQ Software


Microsoft PBI Certified
(9 ratings)
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Represent the various stages and relevant metrics of a process | PBI certified

Horizontal Funnel by MAQ Software breaks down complex processes into clear, understandable phases. While other Power BI funnels are limited to displaying one key metric for each funnel stage, Horizontal Funnel enables users to display a second, customizable metric beneath the primary measure. The primary measure defines the size of the colored funnel segments, showcasing what percentage each segment makes up of the whole.

Business Uses:

  • Sales – Analyze the sales pipeline by viewing both the sales progress and conversion rate at each stage of a sale
  • Marketing – View the entire buyer process, tracking for details like web traffic sources and order fulfilment
  • Human Resources – Break down the recruitment, tracking the quantity of applicants in each stage of job applications (online applications, telephone screenings, in-person interviews, etc.)

Key features:

  • Secondary measure that can be displayed below the colored bars
  • Tooltip that displays a brief explanation of the data
  • Configurable funnel stage colors, font size, display units, and label decimal place
  • Added support for bookmarks

What's new in 4.0.0:

  • Support for context menu

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