
by Cybertech Systems & Software, Inc.

Real-Time Crime Center on the Cloud

GeoShield is a Force Multiplier that will help transform your agency into a Real-Time Crime Center. A CJIS-compliant solution, hosted over Azure cloud, connects multiple information sources such as Agency Data, Law Enforcement Data, and Live Video Streams in real-time to acquire a holistic view of all events & incidents happening across your city. It assists you to accurately anticipate public safety issues, streamline workflows and proactively respond to incidents with coordinated response. 

Officers and crime analysts can dynamically search and find information relevant to a specific event or incident and filter the information based on their needs. GeoShield helps shorten the time to gather information and enables the crime analysts and officers with actionable intelligence. Powered by Azure cloud, GeoShield enables officers to remotely see what’s going on in real-time in their cities and with a proactive emphasis on officer, citizen, and community safety.

At a glance