Telephone Operator Detection API


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Telephone Operator Detection API, TelOperatorDet is used to detect current phone operator and more.

Telephone Operator Detection API - teloperatordet (also known as Telephone Operator Recognition API or Telephone Operator Detector API) is a cross browsers REST API which get a JSON input with a string containing a phone number (only from Romania at this time) and returns a JSON string which contains the current operator, number type (geo, non-geo or mobile) and previous operator if the number has been ported. If the phone number is not recognized you will get the message "Incorrect phone number" as shown in the API response below.

Allthough this Automatic Telephone Operator Detection API (currently we do not offer a Telephone Operator Detection sdk) is intended for software development and therefore developers, we have also here an Telephone Operator Detection online application that may be used to check the input and output JSONs of the API. The necessary steps are written below, basically for this real time Telephone Operator Detection API you send an authorized POST request in JSON format to the API endpoint and you get as JSON response the output as described below through parameters and examples.

This Telephone Operator Detection API is useful for a large number of domains like apps for: e-commerce, telecommunications etc. You own the commercial copyright of the resulted JSON with no additional fee meaning you may use it in your own apps for sale.

At a glance