Office 365 Migration: 5 Days Workshop

Aeris Teknoloji A.S.

Migration workshop to the Cloud the Collaboration's Benefit for explaining the customers how to migrate their systems from third party products.

Our offer's aim is show to the customers migration to Office 365. With the increasing interest of users towards the cloud, we wanted to facilitate the transition process of users.We will complete the training we prepared for the migration in 5 days. In this way, we aim to enable the customer to get acquainted with the transition tools and to facilitate their work. We help the customer to understand and implement this service on their own.

1st day: The purpose of the opening meeting, which will be held on the first day planned with Information Technologies and personnel from different departments, is to explain the use of the existing messaging tool and the benefits of the new messaging collaboration tool.As the output of the day, the infrastructure of the transactions to be made on the 2nd day will be clarified.

2 day: A Migration Team is formed on this working day planned with the Information Technologies team. This team includes two certified system support specialists from our company and one person from the information technology team.The duties and responsibilities of the team are determined.

The team collects the following information for migration work.

  • List of Migration Risks and precautions to be taken
  • Status of existing Backups and Backups to be created before Moving
  • Company Internet Line Capacity
  • Current User List
  • Available Mailbox List
  • Existing Distribution Groups and Members
  • Users' Mail Storage Locations (Client, PST, Server) and Capacities
  • Company Domain Registrant information
  • DNS Management Panel Information
  • If exist Active Directory and Version Information
  • Active Directory Integration requirement
  • SSL and MFA Status (if necessary)
  • Calculation of Migration Time with the Microsoft tools.
  • Sharing the Migration Plan with the Migration team

3rd Day; On Day 3, the Migration team creates the Office 365 panel. Create and validates the necessary Domain Pre DNS settings. Prepares the necessary settings and tools according to the type of transition (Hybrid, Manuel, AD Integrated) and they creates Users and Groups

4rd day: The transfer process starts on the 4th day. Since transfer processes depend on factors such as internet line capacity, data size etc., if necessary, they are carried out until the next day.

5th day: In all user mailboxes migrations are completed and the capacity is confirmed, E-Mail MX redirects are made. After that, User tests and e-mail send & receive capability controlled. Backups, PST files and and if there is hybrid migration settings are removed.

Migration team reports the whole process and delivers the report to the specified people.

At a glance