Attollo Power BI Analytics Workshop

Attollo AB

Let us help you define an initial strategy on how to adopt Power BI for Analytics in your organisation.

We offer you a 3 hour workshop where we will explore the capabilites of Power BI together. By providing us with some basic facts before-hand, we can tailor the workshop specifically towards your organization’s challenges and needs.

During the workshop, one of our Power BI Architects will use the first hour to brief you on the capabilites and technologies of Power BI. The rest of the workshop focuses on opening up a dialogue on your specific challenges and needs, utilizing the information you provided us with before-hand.

After the wprkshop, you will receive the material we gathered and used to help you set a course for continued work.

Attollo takes pride in advicing our customers on robust, flexible and managable solutions. Participate to see what the potential is for your organization, and how easy it is to get started with Power BI for analytics.

At a glance