Deploy Teams Rooms: Workshop 2 Days

Baycom Communications

Provide Build intent Workshop for Hybrid Meetings and Rooms

The purpose of this workshop is to assist organisations understand how they can have more productive meetings, particularly now that most meetings are Hybrid Meetings.

This will include recommendations on any room remediation that may be required so that in room participants are fully engaged with those that are remote. Also how to use existing Microsoft applications that may already be available but not used in your current applications, as well as any other applications that will enhance the meeting experience. This will result in you being able to use Microsoft Teams more easily for all your meeting requirements

We provide a preworkshop assessment of your meeting spaces, so that we can tailor the workshop to meet your requirements. The workshop will cover The Art of Possible, with presentations and potentially live demonstrations, to get feedback from the participants on benefits to your organisation.

This workshop is designed to include non-technical people so that they can express how they would like meetings and meeting spaces in your organisation to work. This is a one day workshop where all participants join for the art of possible, then we can work with a smaller group of key stakeholders on discussing in more detail your organisations requirements.

After the workshop we present back with a suggested path forward. This will include recommendations on how to use Microsoft products and services to have more productive meetings, where everyone can contribute, whether they are in person or remote.

To maximise the workshop it is important to get a cross section of people who participate in meetings, engaged from across the organisation. The investment may be covered by Microsoft and we can see if your organisation qualifies.

At a glance