Report and Dashboard Creation: 2-Day Workshop

Clouds On Mars

Accelerate your Microsoft Power BI learning with the comprehensive ‘Dashboard-in-a-Day’ training that is enhanced with an additional day for data visualization and practical exercises on your data.

Benefits & Outcomes

This is an extended version of Microsoft’s Dashboard-in-a-Day (DIAD) workshop. It covers everything from the standard DIAD agenda and gives more time for the instructor to lead individual exercises, cover enhanced data visualization principles, and guide you in creating your first dashboard based on your real data.

** After this training, you will: **

  • Have a good practical understanding of Power BI.
  • Gain first-hand experience of how to develop Power BI reports and dashboards from your data.,
  • Learn ways that allow for quick insight discovery and that best tell your story.


Day 1

Training on Power BI Desktop and PBI Service.

Day 2

Introduction to data visualization and building dashboards with your own data.

At a glance