Viva Learning Employee Experience Engagement

Forefront Consulting Group

Incorporate learning into the flow of work with Microsoft Viva Learning - helps organizations drive upskilling and growth with a center for Learning in Teams and Microsoft 365.

Leverage our combined technical expertise and strategic insight to optimize your learning platform for maximum impact. As your partner in deployment and management, we specialize in creating a centralized learning hub within Microsoft Teams. From integrating content sources such as LinkedIn Learning, Microsoft Learn, proprietary materials, and third-party providers, we craft a comprehensive learning experience. What distinguishes us is our commitment to understanding your organizational priorities, addressing challenges, and aligning with your unique corporate culture. Beyond deployment, we ensure your learning platform seamlessly integrates into your employees' daily routines, fostering continuous growth and success. Choose us for a holistic solution that combines technical proficiency with strategic collaboration.

Terms, conditions, and pricing are custom to each engagement.

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