Migrate to Microsoft 365


Microsoft 365 provides advanced productivity, collaboration, and security features, making it a compelling choice for organizations.


In today's modern workplace, fragmented communication and inefficient workflows hinder productivity and collaboration. Organizations that do not invest in modern communication tools may struggle with communication bottlenecks, reduced collaboration, and an inability to adapt to changing work trends, putting them at a disadvantage in a competitive workforce. One of the most effective ways to address these challenges is by migrating to Microsoft 365. As your trusted IT advisor, Helixstorm can help your organization to fully embrace the benefits of Microsoft 365 with our “Migrate to Microsoft 365” offer. We will help your organization to migrate your productivity workloads to Microsoft 365, no matter your starting point. Whether you are migrating from third-party platforms like “Google Workspace,” “Go Daddy”, Microsoft 365 to Microsoft 365 “tenant to tenant”, or a “net-new” migration, our solution can solve your organization’s needs.

What are the Benefits of Microsoft 365?

  • Productivity: Microsoft 365 enhances productivity with collaboration tools, cloud accessibility, real-time co-authoring, communication tools, streamlining work processes and efficiency.
  • Security: Microsoft 365 offers robust security features, including threat protection, data loss prevention, and Multifactor Authentication (MFA).
  • Compliance: Microsoft 365 includes compliance and eDiscovery capabilities that can help organizations meet regulatory requirements, potentially reducing the legal and compliance costs associated with data management.
  • Remote Access: Enables employees to work from anywhere with cloud-based access to productivity and collaboration tools.
  • Scalability: Microsoft 365 allows you to scale your subscription up or down as needed, so you only pay for the services and licenses that you have actually used.
  • Real-time Collaboration: Microsoft 365 provides a suite of collaboration tools, such as Microsoft Teams and SharePoint, which can reduce the need for third-party collaboration tools, potentially saving on licensing costs.
  • Cost Savings: Microsoft 365 reduces IT infrastructure, software maintenance, and security costs, offers scalable subscriptions, and enhances productivity, resulting in long-term cost savings for organizations.


  • Assessment and Planning: We begin by understanding your organization's unique needs, goals, and existing systems. Our team will assess your current IT infrastructure and design a tailored migration plan.
  • Customization and Integration: We customize your Microsoft 365 environment to suit your specific business requirements, integrating it with other systems and applications for seamless workflows.
  • Migration Services: We will handle all of the technical aspects of migrating your data, applications, and workflows to Microsoft 365. This includes data migration, email migration, and configuring security settings.
  • Security Enhancement: We implement robust security measures to protect your data, including multi-factor authentication, data loss prevention, and threat protection, helping you stay ahead of cybersecurity threats.
  • Training and Adoption: We provide training for your employees to ensure they are proficient in using Microsoft 365 tools effectively. This includes collaboration best practices and security awareness.
  • Post Migration Support: Our support team is available to assist with any post-migration issues, updates, or optimizations. We ensure that your Microsoft 365 environment remains secure, efficient, and aligned with your evolving business needs.

Why Helixstorm?

Choose Helixstorm as your IT Service Provider for unmatched peace of mind and tailored solutions. We are your full-service IT department, leveraging technology to tackle business challenges and bolster security in the cloud era. With a dedicated team of experts offering 24/7 support, we prioritize relationships and deliver customizable solutions for organizations nationwide.Choose Helixstorm for strategic IT excellence.

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