In-house App-in-a-Week: 5-Day Proof of Concept

Macaw Nederland B.V.

Experience the promise of the Microsoft Power Platform in just one week through digitizing one of your business processes into an app.

During this week you will learn which steps to take to digitize a business process into a business application, and deliver great value to your organization. Due to the Citizen development approach by Microsoft, better known as no/low code, you will be the person who is building the application with support of our consultants.

After this week you’ll know which steps to take to digitize your next business process.


Day 1: Brainstorm session and architectural back-end

During this day two Macaw consultants will help you brainstorm and create any number of ideas for suitable Apps (Canvas or Model Driven) and back-end (Common Data Service, Sharepoint , SQL, etc.) for your organization. Not just technology driven, though also performance and licenses impact this decision.

Day 2: Support in setting up the back-end

The back-end consultant is present to support you in setting up the back-end. Through this approach you know where and how the data is stored.

Day 3 - 5: Support in configuring the application

With the help of the Business Application Consultant you will be configuring the business application. Due to this set up the client organization will be responsible for the finalization of the application.

Tip: make sure to involve future users of the application during these days to ensure a proper adoption of the application

Day 5 (afternoon): Presentation to the stakeholders

The afternoon of the last day you will present the process and the result to the stakeholders. Our consultant will be present to answer questions.


  • Decisions made on the type of application and back-end
  • Back-end is ready
  • The business application is (almost*) ready
  • The business case and app are presented towards stakeholders

Note *

Due to the fact that the scope and skills of the configurator is unknown, Macaw can’t guarantee that the application will be finalized within one week. Extra consultancy hours will be calculated at Euro 150,- per hour excl. VAT, travel etc.

At a glance