Mekorma PowerApprovals

Mekorma Enterprises, Inc.

Mobile payment approvals for Microsoft Dynamics GP

You need the right people in your organization to approve outgoing payments. But what happens when they're busy, traveling, or working remotely? A huge bottleneck. Late payments. Missed discounts. Keep your payment cycle on track with the convenience of PowerApprovals. Our mobile application gives approvers the power to review and approve transactions anywhere, anytime. PowerApprovals works with Microsoft Dynamics GP and Mekorma Payment Hub to extend your AP workflow. Built in the cloud using the Microsoft Power Platform, users no longer have to depend on a Dynamics GP desktop client. Instead, approvers can view transactions for all companies on a phone, tablet, or browser.

Version Information: 2.0091.2305.2546 - Note to customers: if you are an existing Mekorma Payment Hub customer, we recommend updating to the latest version for full compatibility.

How it works: It’s simple! Configure Mekorma Payment Hub. Setup approvers and approval thresholds - Note to customers: you must be on Task-Based Security to take advantage of this feature. Please consult with your partner or contact Mekorma Professional Services for additional information. Import the Mekorma PowerApprovals solution package into your Power Platform environment. Begin approving your vendor invoices from your mobile device.

Features: Filter and approve invoices across companies. Filter, sort and approve transactions by batch, individual document number, document date, and more. View supporting documents for vendor invoices being approved (image and pdf formats supported).

Benefits: Approve vendor invoices on the go from your mobile device. Does not require additional Microsoft Dynamics GP user licensing.

Pricing: Mekorma PowerApprovals is offered at USD $950 on an annual subscription basis. Product implementation is offered at an estimated price of USD $2250. Price may vary due to additional configuration requirements, number of Dynamics GP companies, and overall environment complexity. Note to customers: Mekorma PowerApprovals requires a Microsoft Power Apps per-user or per-app license, separate from the product subscription and implementation cost.

Supported Editions: Microsoft Dynamics GP customers on Modern Lifecycle (18.4, 18.5, and 18.6) running Mekorma Payment Hub build x90 and above.

Supported Countries: Available in the United States, Canada, and Puerto Rico.

Supported Languages: English (United States). English (Canada)

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