Power Platform Jumpstart: 6 Week Workshop


Using this fast-paced Jumpstart program you will be able to implement Power Platform Center of Excellence across your organization

What is Power Platform Jumpstart?

Netwoven Power Platform Jumpstart is a value-add to Microsoft’s Power Platform Center of Excellence (PPCOE). PPCEO is a Microsoft framework focused on the core adoption and governance of the Power Platform.

Power Platform Jumpstart provides multiple Power BI reports for monitoring

Active Makers

Active Environments

App Inventory

License utilization

Session analysis and more.

Innovation Backlog allows makers to submit ideas including details regarding

Impacted people & tools

Projected ROI

The Jumpstart program will have 6-8 weeks workshop covering the following:

Week 1-2

Preparation and initial discovery

Key Maker identification and current state documentation

SharePoint site stand-up in the existing environment

Week 2-3

*Power Platform CoE installation and Innovation backlog population

Week 3-4

Content creation based on early discovery.

SharePoint initial population.

Deep dive on CoE analytics.

Week 4-6

Add additional content to SharePoint and Launch the first communication.

Week 6-8

Additional revisions and modifications.

Project Closure

At a glance